video update
Hello VTA Membership, Today the district and VTA met and there was some positive movement. The district gave us a take it or leave it package and we had to leave it. Bargaining is a process and there is give-and-take so we need to know what you would be willing to give. Here is the district's current offer: The district came up to a 4% salary increase by eliminating their proposal for benefits and moving that into salary. They changed their offer from eliminating student contacts for middle school/high school to increasing student contacts to 200 in both middle school/high school. They maintained their proposal for a seven period day for high school. They maintained their proposal to compact the salary schedule to 22 years, to accept up to 15 years of service credit, and to move registered nurses to the psychologist/SLP salary schedule. We mutually agreed to eliminate Monday collaboration time due to the district wanting admin to have control over that time. They did change their proposal for subbing in which we would retain the right to decline, but if you say yes you would receive 1.25x’s long-term daily sub pay. The district is no longer asking to increase mild/mod caseloads without a waiver. Ed Specialists would retain the right to say no to signing a waiver to increase their caseload. Here’s why we had to leave it: VTA has always stood for preserving or decreasing class size, no increase to student contacts, that’s where we stand firm. Middle school and high school have always stood up for elementary and elementary will stand with them now as well. We have a waiver process that exists to create a 7 period day and this is the process we think the district should be using. Individual school sites should and can make the decision to move to a 7 period day if the educators and admin at that site want it. The budget is looking positive and with revenues in the state of CA increasing it is looking like there may be even more money heading into our schools in the fall. We will continue bargaining in the fall with the district. We aren’t at the end of the road yet, but we need your input. We’d like to know what you think of the district’s current proposal and what you would be willing to agree to. We will be sending out a survey in the near future so please take the time to fill it out as it does directly impact the movement that your bargaining team is able to make. Your input was what enabled us to close the last two contracts. Thank you and we wish you a great last 5 days of school! Click this link to watch the video update. In Solidarity, Your VTA Bargaining Team
Greetings Members,
VTA and VUSD are Bargaining tomorrow; Tuesday, June 1st. Please wear VTA or black shirts to demonstrate solidarity as a collective bargaining unit. Remember we are working to rule on Bargaining days, so take pics of you and our union family walking in and out of the school site at our contracted hours. Remember, social media is how we get the word out to the community about what is going on in VUSD. Use the hashtags: #wearevta #wearecta #strongertogether #local1088 You can also tag on Facebook: My VTA Facebook page (Keri Avila Vista Teachers Association) Support VUSD Teachers Vista Teachers Association You can always send pictures to me as well and VTA will post them. Respectfully and In Solidarity, Keri Avila President |
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June 2022
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