While it’s only September, November will be here before we know it and October even sooner. That means that we have our work cut out for us in both our local school board race where we have endorsed both Heather Emaus and Rosemary Smithfield and the pro-education ballot initiatives: Prop 55, Prop 52 and Prop 58. With large numbers of voters expected to use vote by mail ballots September is key campaigning time. Reagan Duncan is our PAC Chair and she will be calling on all of us to help where we can. Please feel free to contact her or VTA if you would like to help. We need you.
Also, this spring will bring another round of bargaining. VTA will be reaching out to ask for your input on issues. The whole contract will be open and your bargaining team will be working hard preparing for the negotiations. Be on the lookout for opportunities to offer suggestions. Your site reps will be talking to you soon. You can always use the VTA webpage to reach us as well. Another opportunity to provide feedback is the through the LCAP process. We currently have two meetings scheduled for general input from teachers. These Teacher LCAP Forums will be held at the new Innovation center from 4:00 - 5:30. As the school year progresses it is now the time in the LCAP cycle to address programs that are not being as effective as we want. The school board has, and rightly so, made addressing mathematics and literacy skills a top priority. Teacher input needs to be a critical part of identifying what’s working and which programs we should keep. Finally I want to ask you please share your stories with us, @vtapresident, #vistata or via our facebook page support VUSD teachers. Vista teachers do an incredible job and we should share in each other's successes. Sincerely, Tod Critchlow PS Don’t forget that the September paycheck will bring the resumption of Insurance and Union dues. Important Dates - Please RSVP Rep Training - Sept 24, 9:00 - 2:00, VTA Office, Lunch provided All/Reps. Please RSVP Rep Council Meeting - Sept 26, 4:00 - 6:00, VTA Office, Please RSVP Perm Status Teacher’s Happy Hour - Sept 30, 4pm Vista Village Pub, Please RSVP. Teacher LCAP Forum #1- Nov 30, 4:00 - 5:30, Innovation Center, 836 Olive Ave Teacher LCAP Forum #2- Jan 19, 4:00 - 5:30, Innovation Center, 836 Olive Ave New Teacher 100 day celebration - Feb 3, location and time TBD Political Action Committee (PAC) Since my last message VTA has formally endorsed Heather Emaus. Currently she and Rosemary Smithfield have our formal endorsements. These are two of our own and they need our support. This is a momentous occasion in Vista history. We are endorsing two educators that have taught in our schools, experienced first hand what our educators experience each day, and truly know what is best for our students. With a student's first approach, they have the knowledge base and undeniable passion necessary to hold our district accountable for our students futures. We will be calling on you, our members, to come out and support these candidates throughout this election, so keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities which the VTA PAC team will be presenting! Keep checking those emails and attending your VTA site meetings. More info to come! Site Rosters The school year is well under way and site reps should have had a chance to update site rosters. Please contact VTA if you have any questions about what site your are assigned to. VTA is based on 1 member 1 vote and to be sure you are represented we need to know where you are. VTA Scholarship Fund I know that you all go over and above your obligations, but that’s the nature of our job. Teachers as a group are incredibly generous and caring people. Are you interested in helping even more? Do you want to be part of something bigger? Do you want to help make an even bigger difference in your students lives? The VTA scholarship fund needs you. This year will mark 30 years of generosity on the part of VTA members. Please consider using our monthly payroll deduction to contribute directly to the VTA Scholarship fund. Please consider giving $3, $5 or even more a month. For more information please check out the website. Or click HERE to get the payroll deduction form. Together we can make an even bigger difference. Charter Schools Gone Wild in California Some of you may have seen my post sharing John Oliver’s story about charter schools. That piece shed some light on the issues, but there was no action to take. So I am sharing this article. Part 1 of 4 it also provides some positive action you can take. Please take a moment to find out what this is about and then send Governor Brown a message. Click HERE to send a message. .
authorKeri Avila,
VTA President Archives
June 2022
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