JB Barton-Vice President steps down:
On Tuesday, September 30th VTA 1st Vice-President JB Barton, teacher at RBV, steps down as VP after four plus years. We are grateful for the many years JB has given in service to the Vista Teachers Association. JB has been a teacher in Vista Unified since 1975. JB has served on Bargaining, grievance and Executive Board in many roles over the years. He is our Association historian and we value his input and his guidance. He has worked tirelessly on behalf of all teachers in Vista and spoken up for us at Board meetings and as a representative on committees. We understand that JB is ready for the next adventures in his life and we wish him the best. Please take the time to thank JB for his service if you see him or in emails. He is a modest man who doesn't like to be fussed over but he deserves our thanks. Thank you JB Collaboration Time: As we complete our sixth week of school some progress reports are being submitted, the rhythm of the classroom and students is meshing and you should be well into your collaboration Mondays. VTA is interested in how the collaboration time is being spent and what you value about the time and what you think could change. Since this was a bargained item we thought it was time to check in with our members and get your feedback. Please take a minute to fill out this very short survey. We will look closely over your responses and comments to share with the District to avoid conflicts and problems. We would also like to share the things that are working well and that you like about the time in collaboration. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TWMK92G New Evaluation System: By this time of year you should know if you are in an evaluation year or not. For permanent status teachers the deadline to notify you is October 1st. Another new section of the contract is: Unit members with permanent status who have been employed by the District for at least ten (10) years shall be evaluated only once every five (5) years if the employee is highly qualified under State and Federal Law and if the teacher’s previous performance evaluation certifies that the employee meets or exceeds District standards. The other new section is: The evaluator may withdraw consent for this evaluation option at any time with cause. Previously the administrator could refuse the five year evaluation for any reason, now they must show cause. Along with having a five year evaluation cycle you are not responsible for writing goals on non-evaluation years. For probationary or temporary teachers: Probationary/temporary employees (hereinafter referred to as "Probationary" for purposes of evaluation) shall be notified in writing after April 30 of the preceding year or before September 15 of the current year regarding their evaluation and the process. The written notification shall also include the following information and directions: The evaluator’s(s’) suggested time and date for the pre-evaluation orientation meeting to be held no later than October 1. Probationary teachers will be observed twice before November 20th and the observations will cover three of the sixth Standards for the Teaching profession. Another observation will be conducted between November 20th and March 1st. For adult Education or hourly certificated teachers working more than twenty (20) hours a week: The employee and evaluator(s) shall determine the date of the pre-evaluation orientation meeting. There will be one observation conducted for teachers being evaluated. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any questions about your evaluation.
authorKeri Avila,
VTA President Archives
June 2022
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