Welcome to VTA/CTA/NEA
Your membership in VTA is the first step in your support of quality public education.
About US
VTA is the exclusive bargaining agent for all Kindergarten-Grade 12 teachers, nurses, librarians, counselors and psychologists. VTA seeks to improve salaries, benefits and working conditions. Your organization is also involved with community organizations, lobbying legislators, providing scholarships, training teachers and providing economic services.
VTA/CTA/NEA is confronted daily with major educational issues. Our professional organizations are deeply involved in and will continue to work for the protection of teacher rights, including due process, instructional and professional issues, reducing class size, empowering teachers, bargaining a fair and equitable contract, retaining the very best teachers and procuring sufficient funds for public education.
Your efforts and support are the key to achieving our goals. Teachers must be deeply committed and involved if education is to achieve its proper level of importance in our society I hope you will take an active role in your Association. The United Education Profession is a powerful entity because of the efforts of teachers like you. It is the way to improve our profession.
VTA/CTA/NEA is confronted daily with major educational issues. Our professional organizations are deeply involved in and will continue to work for the protection of teacher rights, including due process, instructional and professional issues, reducing class size, empowering teachers, bargaining a fair and equitable contract, retaining the very best teachers and procuring sufficient funds for public education.
Your efforts and support are the key to achieving our goals. Teachers must be deeply committed and involved if education is to achieve its proper level of importance in our society I hope you will take an active role in your Association. The United Education Profession is a powerful entity because of the efforts of teachers like you. It is the way to improve our profession.